Monday, May 30, 2011

Be Inspired!

We’ll Miss You Oprah!

After 25 years of history-making, life-changing television, Oprah hosts the finale of The Oprah Winfrey Show last week and today is the 1st Monday without Ms. Winfrey scheduled at 4:00p. We’re not sure what/who will fill the “Queen Talk” spot, but she will truly be missed!
Here’s Some Facts on the Oprah Show
·         Average number of Americans who watch her show each week: Approximately 40 million.
·         Total number of show episodes: 4,561 as of the finale on May 25.
·         Most appearance by a celeb guest: Celine Dion, with 27 appearances; Chris Rock finishes a close second with 26.
·         Total number of "favorite things": 283.
·         Number of audience members: Approximately 1.3 million over the past 25 years
·         Largest single audience for a show taping: Approximately 21,000 -- on Michigan Avenue in Chicago for last season's kick-off party. (By the way, it was a blast, except that I never ever want to hear "I Gotta Feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas again. Those of us in the crowd were out there for hours before the taping began to practice a flash mob dance scene that opened the show to that tune, and to get us ready they played the song about a million times. I started out the day liking it, but I Gotta Horrible Feeling when I hear it now.)
·         Number of Oprah's Book Club picks: 65.
·         Amount donated to Oprah's Angel Network: More than $80 million. All the money funded charitable projects and grants around the world, including helping to establish 60 schools in 13 countries.
·         Number of emails receives: Approximately 25,000 a week.
·         Monday and Tuesday's shows this week were star-studded tributes to Winfrey, with blow-out celebrations (taped last week at the United Center in Chicago) featuring an amazing array of celebs, including Beyonce, Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise and wife Katie Holmes, Madonna, Maria Shriver, Halle Berry and many more A-listers.
·         To see that much star power in one place was a thrill, even if the audience did have to suffer through a few bars of "I Gotta Feeling." Aretha Franklin singing a powerful version of Amazing Grace, Stevie Wonder reworking Isn't She Lovely for Oprah, and Patti LaBelle and Josh Groban dueting on Over the Rainbow lessened the pain considerably.
·         Wednesday will be the last original episode of the series after 25 years, and the topic and guest remain a mystery. But bets are that the hour will be a one-on-one with the person best qualified to recap a quarter century of laughs, tears, smiles and ah-ha moments: Oprah herself.

Want to Know Her Story:
Also Visit:

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Feeling Lazy?!! I stumbled across this ....

Today I have two tasks that I absolutely need to get done before the end of the day. They are both important. One of these is quite a mundane task; the other is something I will quite enjoy. Now if I think about it, the motivation to do the pleasant task is already there.
However, I don't feel at all motivated to take on the unpleasant work. That, I believe, is basic human nature. So it got me thinking about exactly how we can get motivated to do those less glamorous jobs like filling out your tax return or mowing the lawn or whatever it is that you know you must do, but always have difficulty starting.

Here are my 5 Top Tips for Staying Motivated ...

Get fit & stay fit. You need plenty of energy if you are to stay motivated. So try to find some time each day to fit in some aerobic exercise. This will raise your overall energy levels.

Eat properly. Make sure you take time for proper meals - especially at work. Get away from your desk at lunch time - even if it's only for half an hour. You will be more productive when you are there.
Keep your eyes on the prize. Every day, review your most important goals. See yourself as having accomplished them. See yourself receiving the prize, the award or the reward. You will gain a proper perspective on the events of the day by doing this regularly.

Get organized. Make a list of everything you need to do ahead of time. Then decide upon those top two or three priorities you need to accomplish the following day.

Now here's the kicker - do the unpleasant task on your list first! You will feel so much more motivated when you have it out of the way. Not only that, but if you keep doing this, you will wonder why those tasks gave you any kind of mental difficulty in the first place.

Article Source:

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Think About It??!! ...

Networking 101

In its first year, Project P.I.N.K has met and worked with some phenomenal people. We have had the opportunity to brush shoulders and communicate with people from all aspects of life. In our first year, we are still in our growing stages and our hopes are to touch the world on a global level; however... 

....we are still mindful of the small things!

With all the demands on our time made by our business and personal lives, it is tempting to assign a lower priority to networking. After all, we have so many commitments at the office and at home that is becomes difficulty to set aside extra time to introduce new people to our world. Nonetheless, meeting new people is always a delight and has its perks! This is why social networking sites are a major HIT right now.

Networking is an essential skill for “MOST” business people, but especially for entrepreneurs. For a successful business, it is imperative that the entrepreneur that creates and maintains positive business relationships and networking is a great way to build. Here are some tips and resources to help you improve your networking skills and extend your reach.

Find the Best Network Group(s) for You

It’s best to visit as many business networking groups as possible. There are usually a lot of options out there. Take note of which ones spark your interest. Notice the tone and attitude of the group. Is there quality leadership? Do the people seem supportive of one another? Some groups are free and many will allow you to visit multiple times before joining. I recommend that you join as many network groups as is feasible for you and your business. Choose the ones in which you have the most to offer as well as receive.

What You Give Will Come Back to You

Business networking isn’t all about what you can get; it’s actually about what you can give. The more you open yourself up to giving and assisting others, the more you are making yourself available to receive. Also, it’s about quality not quantity. When you are giving information and referrals keep in mind that you sincerely want the person to succeed and give with such a mindset.
Have you belonged to networking groups in which you felt you weren’t getting enough leads? Perhaps it’s because you haven’t been giving enough? Or perhaps people you haven’t been there long enough or created enough relationships with people to make them comfortable to give you leads. Give it a try: forget yourself and focus on creating success for others then watch the same happen for you.

Follow Up

How much business have you potentially missed out on because you didn’t follow up? If you receive a referral from someone be sure to follow up with that contact, you may be missing out on a great opportunity. Also, whenever you give a referral to someone else follow up with them. Find out if they were able to get a hold of the person and what the result of the referral was. You might even want to keep a written record of the referrals you given and received. A great strategy when giving a referral is to call up the person you are referring right away and hand your phone to your business associate. Get them connected right away for better results!

Set Goals

Before going to your networking meetings set some goals. Are you there for clients? Knowledge? Or another reason? Decide what it is you are looking for and ask for that specifically. What do you want to accomplish? Make a list of intentions and as you fulfill each one add more items to the list. Remember to also help others accomplish their goals.

.....and last, but not least 

Business Cards!!!!

Don’t forget your business cards, how else will people follow up with you? Put enough information on your card so that people will have multiple ways to contact you (i.e. work phone, cell, email, address, IM, etc.), you never know what each person’s preferred method of communication is. Be generous in giving out your business cards. Give cards out to everyone, including family and friends. Give out multiple cards to some people; they may end up referring your services.

Create a business card that stands out. What is it that makes you different from everyone else? Why should people choose you? Be sure to make that statement on your business card. Putting your picture on your business card will help people connect a person to the business. Insert your card in all mailings and find every opportunity you can to give them out. You never know what opportunities you might be missing out on by not giving out enough business cards. Your business card is one of the most simple and effective marketing tools.

Please visit:

26 Reasons, Why Networking is Important …

The 10 Commandments of Networking:

Sunday, May 22, 2011


What We Do:
Our mission is to enhance and enable young women in their ability to communicate unique conceptions of teen issues worldwide, by providing them with an outlet that offers mentorship for real world challenges in today’s society. This includes addressing issues of cultural growth, peer pressure, education assistance, internships, career planning, investing, budgeting, fashion, and social networking while building self-esteem, charisma, and integrity. We also work to promote unity among young women globally.

Starting the month of June, we will be adding an advice column section to our blog post:
·         Entries should be submitted to:
·         Please limit entries to 700 words, if possible
·         All entries will be eligible for posting. If you prefer to not have your entries posted, please place **DO NOT POST ** in the Subject Line
·         Rules are: There are NO RULES, but please be respectful, tasteful and patient. There is a 7 day turn around for responses
·         Questions are most often asked 'anonymously', with the signature assuming the problem that is being expressed
·         Note to Self: As we will provide the most approach advice, we are ONLY experts at living. We are NOT doctors or psychologists
·         Let’s also be mindful of the content submitted. Entries will need to be aged appropriate and readable by ages 12-17
·         Also bear in mind, we do support women and are cheerleaders for women of all ages; however, our mission at this time is to address the needs of young women ages 12-17.

Monday, May 16, 2011

On the Move!!!

This past weekend, Project P.I.N.K had the opportunity to work with a phenomenon organization named Me, Myself & I Teens.

Me, Myself & I Teens is an organization that believes that every girl is a beautiful flower waiting to bloom beautifully both inside and out.  Our mission is to maximize self development and style her inner beauty with a touch of encouragement and inspiration that will lead to making better life choices in order for her to realize her full potential. They host annual seminar to help young women achieve emotional, mental and physical success. This year’s seminar, leaders hosted a Tea Party & Etiquette course in Detroit, MI. The Etiquette course offered a full course meal with including soup and tea sandwiches. They also did role playing which helped coach young ladies on table manners, plate and silverware placement and fine dining etiquette. This course was a huge success! 

MMI Teens had a great turn out and was greater networking experience. We met with Cryss Walker, Radio Personality for HOT 102.7 and Laurie Underwood, Fashion Designer for Wanda Grace.

To check out more about the organization, visit:
For more information on Cryss Walker, check out her online magazine:
and the view
Laura Underwood’s Wanda Grace Collection check her out:

And to find out more information on us! Visit:

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Definition of “Bad”

According to Encarta® World English Dictionary [North American Edition] the word, "bad" could be described as the following:  

1]of poor quality: below an acceptable standard in quality or performance (ex: bad driving)
2]misbehaving and disobedient: troublesome or annoying, usually through rudeness, disobedience, or mischievousness (ex: bad dog!)
3]very good: extremely good (ex: that’s a bad dress)

Lately, I must admit I've found myself highly entertained by shows like the Bad Girls Club, Basketball Wives, Mob Wives and Real Housewives. These shows are filled with drama! It is episode after episode of pure mayhem. From friends drifting apart, marital issues, to brutal physical altercations amongst adult women, these shows get no days off displaying women as loud, materialistic, short tempered shopaholics. Not that there aren’t already enough stereotypes and negative connotations against women, today’s reality TV has no shame in making being bad look oh’ so good! 

While all the shows are my favorite, The Bad Girls Club tops the charts. The Oxygen Network describes the cast as “young women who are powerfully bold, outrageously funny and endlessly entertaining. This series brings seven new 'bad girls' together in a house where the women recognize that their outrageous behavior has hindered their relationships, careers and lives.”

 “Ready to Tune In?” …. Bad Girls Club, in its 6th season (correct me if I’m wrong) is a hit!!! Exhibiting women, beautiful women with little to no class has grown to be amusing to today’s youth and/or society. How can drama amongst women create successful and growing TV networks? I hate fighting with my friends. Furthermore, I hate fighting period. But, has being “BAD” become good in today’s culture? Should I be confirming to standards? Is it become popular for women to be loud, obnoxious and belligerent to be powerful or to be accepted?