Saturday, July 23, 2011


Project P.I.N.K is requesting donations of backpacks and school supplies for low-income families. Please assist us providing our future with the essentials to succeed this school year.

Donations are needed by Aug. 20!!!!

Our organization is reaching out asking local businesses, entrepreneurs and community leaders for donations of backpacks and school supplies. Monetary donations are also encouraged so supplies can be purchased in bulk. Our goal is to provide 50 low income families with both backpack and school supplies to assist school aged children with starting a successful school year. By providing children with backpacks filled with school supplies, families can use their money to buy food and pay for rent! We also wish to see students head back to school confident and fully prepared.

For more details on how to donate backpacks and school supplies, please email Project P.I.N.K at We will be hosting a rally on the final collection day!

We look forward to seeing you there!


Be Supportive
Parent Should Help the Student Make the Transition: Plan to take your child to visit the new school or classroom before the first day of school.

Early Bird Gets the Worm
Wake them up early enough to get up on time so they are not tardy! Even if that means waking them up 15 or 30 minutes earlier than they used to wake up.

Get Plenty Rest
Be sure your child gets a good night's sleep. Set a routine bedtime and head to bed earlier than summer days!

Eat Breakfast Daily
Eat a good breakfast every morning, don’t let children skip breakfast. Take advantage of the breakfast programs offered by most schools!

Be Prepared
Have them prepare all of their things the night before, including clothes or uniforms, socks, shoes, hair accessories, backpacks, homework assignments, etc.

Meet with your child’s teacher(s) to discuss your child’s special needs.
Take a picture of your child to the meeting. Teachers are more likely to take a personal interest in your child and remember your child’s special needs if s/he has seen a picture of your child.

Make a List of Important Things About Your Child.
Make a list of the five most important things that the teacher(s) need to know about your child. Explain why these things are vital to your child’s success. Leave a copy of the list with each teacher.

Prepare to Deal with Potential Problems Early.
If your child is in general education classes, prepare for the teacher(s) who wants to see how your child “gets along” before making any changes in the way they run their classrooms.

Resolve Old Concerns and Issues.
Try to resolve these issues and concerns before your child begins to have problems this year.

Go to your school’s Open House.
In addition to giving you another chance to meet with your child's teachers (and make a good impression), teachers often explain their classroom rules during Open House.

Get a bound notebook.
Use the notebook as a “contact log” to send messages to the teachers. Write a sentence of two to the teacher(s) every day.

Be Encouraging
Praise your children, encourage them, use positive reinforcement, work with them closely, let them know that you are available to help if needed.


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