Tuesday, July 12, 2011


According to the internet, perception is defined as the following: 
-Perceiving: the process of using the senses to acquire information about the surrounding environment or situation 
-Impression: an attitude or understanding based on what is observed or thought
-Powers of observation: the ability to notice or discern things that escape the notice of most people

Searching the web found that one of the way to stretch our mind is to improve our perception. Our mind offers us our senses to perceive and understand the world. Yet, how many of us really go through each day with our senses on full alarm in every second? What you see? What you don’t see? And what you think? Judging others is an act of enormous pride. This should be understood. When you render judgment on another, you have taken upon yourself an awesome responsibility for making the correct judgment ….because after all, is your judgment truly necessary. She has a mugshot, but is she a criminal?

So for about a year now, my Project P.I.N.K team has been a full time commitment. Our team works strenuously to make our organization astounding and on Day 456 nothing has changed. Project P.I.N.K has been both a motivating and enlightening experience; and as the organization grows so do we. Being a positive role model is never an easy task, but it is possible! I have bad days. I have breakdowns and want to share not-so polite words. I also have even worn things that were a little risqué just for the sake of being fashion forward. I also make mistakes. I once read that:
In order to be Old and Wise,
One must first be Young and Stupid!
 As I meet with others and mentor young women, I am always intrigued. Our conversations are always funny! The most interesting topic was the internet.
1)     What’s on the internet?
2)     Who said what on the internet?
3)     Who’s doing what on the internet?
4)     New trends/fashion on the web!
5)     Am I on the internet?  (www.GoProjectPINK.org)
With the recent flood of blogs, photography, social networking, internet and mass media, I advised my mentees I am on the internet and all I can say is that: “It is very important to be knowledgeable of how you are perceived and say this from personal experience. “
Imagine this: “You are in a job interview and the hiring manager asks to see your Facebook page?”
While this scenario may never happen, what if it did?!?
1)     What is on your page? …and is it appropriate?
2)     Does it reflect who you are and what you stand for?
3)     Would you add your boss, mother or pastor as a friend?
4)     Or in our case, what if a mentee wanted to add you on Facebook or follow you on twitter?
5)     Are you proud?
6)     Do you represent those things you say you do? “Actions Speak Louder than Words”

For those also struggling with self-image and perception, here’s an awesome site for coaching. (http://www.mtstcil.org/skills/image-3.html)

Celebrities may BIG MONEY for coaches to assist with self image. Our services are FREE!

Improving Your Self Image
Improving your self-image, like improving any skill, takes time and practice. Developing good self-esteem involves encouraging a positive (but realistic) attitude toward yourself and the world around you and appreciating your worth, while at the same time behaving responsibly towards others. Self-esteem isn't self-absorption; it's self-respect.
By working from the inside out (focusing on changing your own way of thinking before changing the circumstances around you), you can build your self-esteem. The goal of this positive thinking is to give yourself a more positive self-concept, while seeing yourself honestly and accepting yourself, and removing the internal barriers that can keep you from doing your best.
Positive Thinking
There are many ways a person can change negative thoughts and self-criticism to more realistic and positive thoughts. Focusing on all of them at once may be overwhelming, but focusing on a few at a time and reminding yourself of these positive approaches regularly can change your self-esteem.
Positive Thought Strategies
  • Avoid exaggerations.
  • Sometimes putting a stop on negative thinking is as easy as that.
  • Accentuate the positive.
  • Accept flaws and being human.
  • Accept imperfections.
  • Don't bully yourself!
  • Replace criticism with encouragement.
  • Don't feel guilty about things beyond your control.
  • Don't feel responsible for everything.
  • Do feel responsible for your feelings.
  • Treat yourself kindly.
  • Give yourself a break.
  • You can choose how to interpret comments and events, so try for the more positive interpretations.
  • Try not to hang on to painful memories and bad feelings - this is a surefire way to encourage negative thoughts and bad moods. Your past can control you if you don't control it. If you can, forgive past wrongs and move on. (Don't forget that forgiving yourself is an important part of this process, too!)
  • Focus on what you CAN do, not what you can't.
Using just one or two of the above strategies on a regular basis can greatly increase your positive self-image and self-esteem. Making these internal changes will increase your confidence in yourself and your willingness and ability to make external changes and improve your life.

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